Let there be light!
Compared with the exceptionally high customer satisfaction ratings we receive for train factors, Virgin Trains’ customers rate us relatively poorly for many station factors in the twice-yearly National Passenger Survey. Even at the 17 stations we manage, we are responsible for the whole fabric of the station. But where we can we are committed to improving the station environment. Following a trial in the car park at Stafford, we will be installing LED lighting at ten stations. These projects range from the small scale, such as re-lighting a subway at Oxenholme, to more substantial projects such as re-lighting platforms at Lancaster. Currently about 60% of all reactive call outs to our property help desk are lighting related and so, once the LED lamping is completed staff will be able to spend their time addressing other customer facing issues at Stations. And as holders of the BSI Kitemark Energy Reduction Verification Award these projects will help us reduce our carbon footprint by reducing CO2 emissions at stations by 2.5% a year. Click here to read the National Passenger Survey Click here to find out more about the BSI Kitemark for Energy Reduction Verification